Create your own card game
Corresponding Author: Roger Saunders
All authors:
Length: 30 minutes
Location: Gallery Room 2
This session will introduce participants to the various ways that cards can be used for teaching and learning, with several examples available to play with by way of introduction. It will cover everything from single, self-created cards in situ (think of them as more sustainable post-it notes) to full blown deck building games (Pokemon or Hero Realms, for those who know) and everything in between. It will show how to create sessions from scratch, using a simple set of basic cards or using existing game mechanics adapted to teach a specific topic. The approach is multi-disciplinary and will involve each participant actually creating their own card game in the room (along with a free starter pack of cards). The session will also cover basic design and production so that the ideas can be developed and implemented immediately after attending. Cards are a great way of introducing games, simulations and case studies to students in a more engaging and tactile way.
References, web links and other resources: