Programme Session Details 2024

Equalities Express Mash-up

Corresponding Author: Lynn Pilkington

All authors:

Length: 60 minutes
Location: Gallery Room 1


Equalities is important… but scares a lot of people. Through ice-breakers and interactive activities, I’d like to encourage people to start talking about such an important topic in a fun and accessible way.

After this session the participants will:
– have more confidence in exploring equalities issues
– comprehend the 9 protected characteristics
– appreciate the importance of inclusive language and knowledge of preferred terms
– be able to apply more creative engagement exercises in their work going forward

Outline of session:
-‘Failed it’ quiz – exploring failures to create psychological safe place
– 4 Round robin sessions to explore in small groups – 1) Protected characteristic pairs – Through a game of pairs (i.e. turning cards over and remembering which characteristic is where), participants familiarise themselves with the law and we can start discussing barriers for each group; 2) ‘you can’t say that!’ is around inclusive language. A washing line of non inclusive phrases to start a discussion of what you ‘can’ and ‘can’t’ say and why, 3) ‘Would you rather’… mental health edition – exploring what is more scary or preferable than talking about mental health and why, 4) ‘Say what you see’ – illusions to explore how we all see things differently.
– Bring back together for discussion, reflection and key learning points
-Potential extra: ‘Steal My Work’ – this would be an exploration of my ‘scrapbook CV’ (two real scrapbooks!) and other examples of my decade of working in creative engagement, from flyering at Freshers’ fairs, to cardboards cut-outs at government consultations and most recently working with children as a playworker after-school.

Participants will be given a resource with 7 equalities themed energisers and links for more information.

References, web links and other resources:

Can add if successful.

My website is a place where I collate a lot of into –