Programme Session Details 2024

Equalities Express Mash-up

Corresponding Author: Lynn Pilkington

All authors:

Length: 60 minutes
Location: Gallery Room 1


Equalities is important… but scares a lot of people. Through ice-breakers and interactive activities, I’d like to encourage people to start talking about such an important topic in a fun and accessible way.

After this session the participants will:
– have more confidence in exploring equalities issues
– comprehend the 9 protected characteristics
– appreciate the importance of inclusive language and knowledge of preferred terms
– be able to apply more creative engagement exercises in their work going forward

Participants will be given a resource with 7 equalities themed energisers and links for more information.

Below is some further information about the Equalities Express Mash-up session. Please use this to decide if you would like to engage in the session. If you have any access needs or anxieties about the session, drop me a line on

Format of session and activities:
The session will be interactive throughout, working in pairs, small groups and feeding back to the larger group. We will be writing on paper in groups and moving around four bases. There will be use of visual stimulus. That said, we can be adaptable to meet needs and there should be a non-judgemental environment. Engagement in the session will be informal, with participants encouraged to meet their own needs – with fidget toys, doodling, snacks, popping out to the toilet etc all good.

– Introduction, Engagement Contracting (5 mins, facilitator speaking).
– Failed it! Short quiz on failures (5 mins, pairs and writing answers).
– Express Mash up – Four group activities with 10 mins each (40 mins, variety of activities).
– Sharing Feedback (5 mins)
– Commitment to change and close (5 mins).


Protected Characteristic Pairs
Through a game of pairs (i.e. turning cards over and remembering which characteristic is where), participants familiarise themselves with the law and discuss barriers faced by each group.

‘Say This or That?’
Participants sort prompt cards into what is inclusive language and what is not acceptable. There will be discussion of what are preferred terms and why.

‘Would you rather’… mental health edition
Exploring what is more scary or preferable than talking about mental health.

‘Say what you see’
Illusions to explore how we all see things differently.

References, web links and other resources:

Protected Characteristics Pairs

– The UK Government has an easy-read guide to the Equality Act 2010 which has key information in it.
– The Equality and Human Rights Commission has a 3 minute video on an Introduction to the Equalities Act. They also have a video about Protected Characteristics.

‘Say This or That’

A great video by spoken word artist, Guante, ‘A Visit From the PC Police’.
– The Home Office Design Team has some useful ‘Do’s and Don’ts’.
– Chartered Insurance Institute has Inclusive language Guidelines which is worth bookmarking.
– Sue Stockdale’s article, ‘Women’s talk: why language matters to female entrepreneurs’ highlights the power of language.

Would you rather….. Mental Health Edition?

– A Wellness Edition of Would You Rather is full of fun choices.
– See Me Scotland, Scotland’s National Programme to End Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination, has several practical guides on the building blocks to creating mentally healthy workplaces.
– “Let’s Chat” is a practical tool with guidance, tips and scenarios for line managers and supervisors to start open and honest conversations about mental health in the workplace.

‘Say what you see’

– Indeed shares ‘10 important benefits of team diversity in the workplace’.
– Psychology Today gives insight into holding respectful conversations in, ‘How We Can Communicate Across Differences and Build Bridges Recognizing the humanity in each other, one conversation at a time’.

My website is a place where I collate a lot of into –