Programme Session Details 2024

Crowdsourcing Gender-Diverse Teaching Materials

Corresponding Author: Jamie Iona Ferguson

All authors:

Length: 30 minutes


Gender-diverse students face a variety of complex barriers to successful completion of further/higher education programs and are at increased risk of withdrawal than the general student population [1]. This workshop proposes a novel approach to crowdsourcing teaching materials and perceptions of teaching materials, working towards providing more inclusive teaching for gender-diverse students.


This workshop aims to facilitate dissemination of a methodology for crowdsourcing gender-diverse teaching materials, such that it may be implemented by the community to design more inclusive playful learning approaches.


5 mins – Introduction to: gender-diversity, impact on learning, and workshop goals

15 mins – Exploring methods for crowdsourcing gender-diverse teaching materials. We will provide a structured format for this using a paper-based whiteboard approach (that can be replicated using an online tool for participants that may find a digital version more accessible). Using the materials, participants will be invited to investigate how to make their own learning and teaching more inclusive to gender-diverse students and gain hands on experience with the approach

7 mins – Discussion. Participants will be offerd an opportunity to share what materials or discoveries about their materials inclusivity, contributing towards a general discussion of the methodology

3 mins – We will distill the participants criticism (and hopefully some good points!) regarding the approach and create some bullet points of priorities for further development.


The planned outcomes for this workshop are:

– To expose the PL community to this approach for gathering and developing gener-diverse teaching materials, that can therefore be implemented to make their own playful learning approaches and materials more inclusive.

– To invite the community to reflect on the inclusivity of their learning materials in terms of gender

– To gather feedback from the PL community on future development of this methodology

References, web links and other resources: