Programme Session Details 2024

Find your inner Homo Ludens.

Corresponding Author: Kit Nørgaard

All authors:

Length: 60 minutes


Playful education starts with you! Find your inner homo ludens. In this workshop- we will investigate ourselves as playful people and educators. We will play together, feel the playfulness, be in play. In a fine ping pong between play and reflection on play, we move one step closer to playfulness and sprinkle playful magic into everyday work life.

Expect a playful workshop – where smiles and laughter is a promise. And then, of course, you will get concrete ideas home for your own playfull proffesionel life.

Kit is Educational anthropologist and has worked for the last 10 years with teaching and facilitation of play in educational programs as with adults who work with children. She explores Constantly new ways of using play in learning processes- lately Playmobile as a dialogue tool has been a part of her practise.

References, web links and other resources: unfortunately in danish