Programme Session Details 2024

Playful co-creation between higher education educators and pedagogical staff within the school-leisure sector

Corresponding Author: Annette Knudsen

All authors: Giselle Carolina B Christoffersen and Mette Rold

Length: 90 minutes


This session presents two examples of collaborative educational formats developed through the “Leg for dig” project. Grounded in an open and investigative approach, the project aimed to influence cultural change in the school-leisure sector and beyond and inspire to innovative educational formats that are developed in collaboration with the pedagogical staff, within the pedagogical context, aimed at practitioners within the pedagogical field. Recognizing play’s crucial role in professional development, the project seeks to develop novel approaches to education, prioritizing play and playfulness in the well-being of Danish children and youths.

What will you be doing in this session:
During this session, participants will delve into two approaches that explore perspectives on playful collaboration. The first approach focuses on a personal level and the other on space and materiality. Thus, the aim of this session is to foster an open, explorative, and sensory exploration of play and playfulness, allowing participants to experience themselves how play can be perceived as both the field of interest, but also as the method of collaboration.

The first approach focuses on disrupting habits through introspective inquiry of magical play practices, by letting participants engage in observing their own consciousness, emotional reactions, and bodily sensations to play through “playful confessions”. Participants will reflect on past playful experiences and activities, potentially kept secret from others, giving these experiences a tangible, physical expression. The “confession” process focuses on individual experiences and creation processes, fostering a social ritualistic group process. This sensory-based approach broadens the participants’ own field of knowledge within play, by integrating the participants’ own body, brain, and context within a holistic and socio-ecological understanding.

The second approach explores pop-op playful designs, that incorporate the child’s and the adult’s perspectives of space and materiality and how these perspectives affect and shape playful experiences. Participants will be invited to collaboratively construct “caves” that illustrate how spaces can change by using simple yet open-ended materials, and how these spaces and materials can become a universe of possible playful experiences that can be transformed over the span of time.

When attendees leave this session, they will have:
When you leave this session, you will take away inspiration and knowledge about your own individual playful practice and learn about the exploration of pop-up playful designs that integrate both child and adult perspectives on space and materiality. You will also leave with concrete tools that can support playful co-creation processes.

References, web links and other resources:
