Programme Session Details 2024

The Eye Opener Board Game

Corresponding Author: Meynell Walter

All authors: Sarah Goldsmith

Length: 60 minutes
Location: Gallery Room 1


We present the Eye Opener. A stimulating, playful and challenging, large scale board game. This game exists to make a difficult subject more enjoyable to engage with. It will make you think deeply about your beliefs and attitudes to equality practice, inclusion and equity.

Through the Eye Opener board game, and the guidance of the facilitator, participants will evaluate personal experiences of equality and anti-discriminatory practice; explore the challenges of responding appropriately to discrimination, come face to face with gaps in their knowledge and work together to create examples of good practice that can then be implemented in their own contexts.

This game has been developed as part of the level 2 and level 3 playwork qualifications, but we hope that through this practical presentation and in playing of the game, we can also explore how this approach can be adapted for use in other education settings and subjects within adult learning.

References, web links and other resources: