Playful Learning Association Values

Decorative image of a bucket of coins to represent value
Image by Philipp Heister from Pixabay
  • Innovation. The Playful Learning Association supports fresh thinking and innovation. This extends into the approach the association has to failure, which is that it is to be supported, celebrated, and viewed as a learning experience.
  • Integrity. Being ethical, fair, inclusive, and open in procedures and policies is key to the ethos of the association. For example, we operate our events at-cost to keep prices low and accessible.
  • Rigour. The subject nature of Playful Learning is inherently subject to greater scrutiny than other ‘more serious’ subject areas, so ensuring the quality and robustness of our work is crucial.
  • Mischief. Underpinning the association is a genuine sense of fun and playfulness, with a sense to disruption and subversion. We aim to provide a community where members can embrace uncertainty, be surprised, try new things, be actively engaged, and be silly.
  • Collegiality. Encapsulated in the willingness of members to engage with each other and share their ideas, successes and failures.

If you share our values, we invite you to join the Playful Learning Association.