#PlayLearn December 2022 round-up

What have we been up to?

It’s nearing the end of another strange and – in many areas – not so playful year. But small shining lights of play have helped us smile, laugh and think about our community of learners and thinkers. It was wonderful to have a live Playful Learning Conference back in the Summer, and return to two live regional meetings – first in Cambridge and then, last month, in Huddersfield…

We held our Autumn Playful Learning Association meeting in Huddersfield, hosted by Andrew Walsh and including members new and existing from the North-East. Our focus was Playful Leadership – see the Event write up (and pictures below) for what we got up to.

And what can we look forward to?

Make a Quest! Daisy Abbott will now be running her postponed online Twine workshop on Thursday Dec 8th 2:30-3:30. Free and open to all.

Save the date The Spring 2023 PLA meeting will be in London, hosted by City University. Lunchtime on Thurs 27th April – lunchtime on Fri 28th April 2023.

The Playful Learning Conference will be back on 5-7th July in Leicester, with a new website based within our PLA site, and some exciting changes planned based on attendee feedback last year. The Call for Sessions has also just been launched: get your creative thinking caps on, though you have until January 16th to submit them. Please also promote in your networks!

That’s all for 2022! Have a cosy and playful festive break – and if you have any good ideas for games or playful activities share them in the comments below!