#PlayLearn July round-up

Hello Playful Pals – and welcome to your July round-up.

On Friday 26th July we held our first #PLA online event Playful Approaches to Remote Teaching and Working.

One of the playful ideas shared, was to ask students to share their interests or living arrangements through an emoji challenge. We tested this out in the session, and your challenge this month is to describe your own household in emojis… eg

5 emojis of a laptop, bike, lab-coat, headphone and bone
Katie’s household in emojis – share your own on Twitter with #PlayLearn

To find out more about the event read our summary and explore the resources contributed in the event Padlet. And yes, feedback was really positive, so we plan on running a similar online event in September – watch this space and we’ll post details nearer the time.

Meet Rachelle. Our featured member for July is Rachelle O’Brien who tells us about growing up in a family of storytellers and hunting for dragon eggs in the forest.

Breaking out of lockdown

A number of established, and some new, escape room companies and teams have rapidly developed online versions of their games, and we’ve been hearing from PLA members who’ve tried these out as a way to ‘escape’ from lockdown and work meaningfully as an online community. Some of the games we and our members have tried and can recommend include:

  • Online (digital) equivalent, where the team navigate a room together. For example, the Sapphire Project, The Panic Room, ClueHQ and even The Cyphstress, an epic beer-linked game from a brewer (actual beer optional).
  • Physical (print-at-home) games for you to play with family or friends, or a group over live chat. We’ve particularly enjoyed ClueQuest’s developing list.
  • Novel approaches, such as Escape One Algarve‘s games where a remote host actually moved around a real room, being the hands, eyes and ears of the remote team.

Until August, stay safe, playful folks!

Katie & Alex x