#PlayLearn November round-up

Upcoming opportunities to write, attend and play:

  • Book reviewer wanted! The Journal of Play in Adulthood has been sent a copy of “Making Smart Cities More Playable” for review – if you’d like a smart hardback copy (to keep) in return for a review of the book (approx. 750 – 1,000 words, preferably in around 4 weeks after receiving the book), then please drop Andrew (a.p.walsh@hud.ac.uk) a note saying why you’d be suitable to review it for the journal.
  • The journal also has a special call for papers out now!
  • There’s a ‘Play Well‘ exhibition on at the Wellcome Collection now until March. If you get a chance to go along, please tell us what you think!
  • Abstract deadline fast approaching (14th Oct) for Transform MedEd. If you use games or playful learning in medical education, do consider putting an abstract in.
Darren Edwards dressed for live roleplay
Nice to meet you Darren

Meet Darren! Each month we will introduce a PLA member through photos telling their Playful Learning journey. This month we feature Darren Edwards. Darren’s story features uneventful periods, crap games and inadvertent coordination!

Hooray for the PLA News!

PLA News:

Hope to see many of you in Manchester later in the month – and if you aren’t there, remember to use #PlayLearn on Twitter to share your news and stay in touch.