#PlayLearn October Round-up

Meet Jenn! Each month we will introduce a PLA member through photos telling their Playful Learning journey. This month we feature Jennifer SmithJenn’s story features beer, balloons and sack racing, what else!

5 people in a sack race
Jenn in the number 9 shirt at #PlayLearn19

Upcoming Playful Opportunities:

  • Our next Playful Learning Association face to face event is Nov 21st/22nd at the University of Manchester, focussing on the Role of Playfulness in Health and Wellbeing. Booking is still open for the last 5 4 3 places!
  • If you like a Tweet Chat, mark your diaries for Weds Dec 18th, 8-9pm to discuss Playful Learning Technologies with https://lthechat.com/
  • If you use games or playful learning in medical education, do consider putting an abstract in to Transform MedEd. The conference is being held in the awe-inspiring surroundings of the Royal Geographic Society. Abstract deadline is 14 October. There will be a chance to play Medical Monopoly the day before the conference, and quests, missions and mysteries during the conference.

Shout out from the #PlayLearn19 conference – If you attended the ‘Piece of Cake’ workshop, Amanda and Anne-Marie from Dundee would love some feedback from participants on what the thinking was behind the designs they produced in our session.

Picture explanation of the perfect essay - workshop output
Piece of Cake workshop output

What else is coming up this year? Check the 2019/20 diary.

Reading and Writing: 
The PLA encourages you to submit your work to the Journal of Play in Adulthood. Any #PlayLearn19 attendees interested in publishing their research/practice/thoughts and outputs (in any form): the special issue of JPIA is open for submissions until Oct 31st.

Getting involved in the PLA!
If you would like to take a more active role in the PLA, please volunteer for the committee – we’d love to have your help!

Photo of 3 different styles of chairs
Choose yourself a nice new chair

The PLA is holding their first election for a new Chair this month. Every two years, one of the chairs will be rotated (after a four year term). Any committee member who has attended an event in the last year may nominate themselves – this year, nominees must take a photo of themselves doing something specifically playful to demonstrate their suitability (e.g. taking a balloon on an adventure, hunting for otters). These will be put to a vote on this website, resulting in an announcement at the November PLA meeting. Send your photos by Monday October 14th to the 2018/19 chairs Alex Moseley and Nic Whitton.

More: Full details and a list of tasks Committee members and Chairs are expected to undertake.

Until November, that’s all folks – remember to use #PlayLearn on Twitter to share your news and stay in touch.