Playful Learning Online Conference 2021

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This page is an archive of the Playful Learning Online Conference 2021.

Conference Programme: [Download a visual overview]


MAKE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL (with a new friend) #Collegiality (10 points)

Welcome to the first #PlayLearn21 challenge. There are 10 shiny points on offer for everyone who completes this task between 4pm on Sunday and 4pm on Monday.

  • Find someone on the site you’ve not met before (or more people if you prefer), create something beautiful together. Your something can be anything: a poem, a photograph, a mime, a sculpture, a new product, dance routine, a three-hour video about bees, whatever you like, and the more creative the better.
  • Come up with a way of sharing your beautiful thing in the activity stream and tag your post with #Collegiality to earn your points.
  • When you see someone else’s beautiful thing that speaks to you, please show your appreciation.

TECHNOLOGY WILL SAVE US #Innovation (10 points)

Isn’t learning technology wonderful? We don’t have enough new innovations do we? Here’s your chance to invent a Learning Technology to solve a problem you don’t even know you have yet.

Anyone can pose a problem. Here’s a couple of examples:

  • Lecturer Bob is fed up with pressing the ‘OK’ button 500 times in the VLE when adding content.
  • Mother bear Bobo wants to teach her baby bears to defecate in the woods rather than in their porridge.

Pose your own problem (5 points) and design things to solve other people’s problems (5 points). Don’t be constrained by annoying things like the laws of physics, the Gartner Hype Curve, or your institutional procurement policy.

Share your things with the tag #Innovation. Bonus points might be awarded for creative responses.

STREET SECRETS #Mischief (10 points per artwork)

It’s that time in the conference for a bit of fresh air, optional exercise and a chance to create a piece of GPS Art. Have a look at for inspiration, tips and instructions.

It’s a bear! Can you do better?

Go for a walk, run, cycle, or just plot a route and create some art.

Share your GPS art to the activity stream with the tag #Mischief. Up to 10 points available for each piece of art.


Some people think that play is silly, frivolous, and not appropriate in the context of adult learning. Having a robust theoretical frame and evidence-base is crucial when we need to be playful, yet taken seriously.

Let’s co-create a resource that brings together collected knowledge of key underpinning theories and practice of Playful Learning in a handy A-Z format. Cite if you like.

We’ve made a start here: Encycloplaydia of Playful Learning

Add as many terms and/or definitions to the document as you want. Don’t forget to add your name to the list of contributors. All contributors will receive 10 points.

The Encycloplaydia will be published in the Journal of Adult Play with all authors credited.

FAIL BETTER #Integrity (?? points)

We all make mistakes sometimes, it’s part of being human.

Sometimes we fail to be as inclusive as we could be, not on purpose but because we’re busy, distracted, or we just don’t think.

Please tell us a story on this anonymous padlet of when you failed to be as inclusive as you might have been: Fail Better (

We want to create a Manifesto for Inclusivity. Please also look at other stories and add a tip for more inclusive practice that might be learned from one of these fails.

Use your own judgement to award yourself points and add a comment to the activity stream with the tag #Integrity and the number of points you have given yourself.


Try our Playful Learning cryptic crossword. 10 points for the first person to post the secret message #Crossword (no prizes for spotting the deliberate mistakes…)


Here’s a little extra challenge for you this week. You will be randomly dumped somewhere in the world, explore around and see if you can work out where you are and place your pin. Do come back here and post with #GeoGuessr when you’ve done it so we can check your score and award you some points!

A GOOGLE A DAY CHALLENGE #Google (5 points)

A challenge proposed by @r3beccaf
Highest score on this by 2pm BST will earn you +5 bonus points.
Participation will earn you +2 bonus points.


A challenge from our local chinchilla – 20 bonus points at stake

REGISTER (1 Point)


  • Add your profile photo – in disguise – you can edit your profile by clicking your name at the top of the screen (you’ll earn points for this!):

FIND A FRIEND (3 Points)

  • Find an un-playful friend to join up with you
  • Persuade a friend/colleague/pet to register! Then comment on their new account.

CREATIVE TASK 1 (2 Points)

  • What or where is your happy place? Post a picture in the activity stream of your happy place!
  • Comment on somebody else’s picture.

Archived Tasks:

You can still complete these, but you are too late for bonus points and to be included in the day’s reflection blog post.

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