#PlayLearn December round-up

PLA members participating in Swollage at the Manchester meet-up

And here’s what you missed…

22 Playful Learning members met at the University of Manchester on Nov 21st/22nd to focus on playful approaches to student health and wellbeing. You can catch-up through our ‘Live notes’ from the event. Thanks to Jane Mooney for hosting us!

The event also included our first co-Chair election as Nicola Whitton steps down and Katie Piatt takes the reins alongside Alex Moseley!

Your new co-Chairs, Katie Piatt and Alex Moseley

Who’s Who

Our regular member profile features this month features Sam Aston from the University of Manchester.

Sam Aston – bottom left, with her pirate community…

Over to you

The PLA holds two 24 hour face-to-face meetings a year (typically in November and March) and then organises the July Playful Learning Conference. We are looking for volunteers to host our March (Spring) PLA meet-up, ideally in the London/Midlands area – we like to move around the country to give everyone a chance to attend. The host only needs to book a room at their institution, and lay on (ideally) lunch for 20(ish) people on arrival and teas and coffees from the Thursday lunchtime till the Friday lunchtime. They can also get as involved as they want in setting the theme and agenda for the event. Interested? Drop Katie an email to discuss.

The Journal of Play in Adulthood has a special call for papers out now (deadline for abstracts, Dec 10th)!

Who’s excited about the Playful Learning Conference 2020!

July 8th – 10th, University of Leicester
Call for sessions is now open.

What’s going on with you?

This round-up comes out during the first week of each month. If there is any playful activity/event/book/idea you’d like to promote to members in January, then email or Tweet Katie and we’ll include it!