#PlayLearn January round-up

Welcome back Playful Learning Association members – we hope you all had a good break, got some nice new games to play and are up for more playful learning in 2020!

Did you get any new games for Christmas?

And here’s what you missed:

Member Profile: Carmen Ionita – this month we introduce PhD student Carmen and learn about her interactive learning experiences, like Twister…with a Twist!

Meet Carmen Ionita

What’s coming up this year?

  • The next PLA in-person meet up in booked for 26/27 March at City University, London. The event will run from lunchtime on Thursday 26th until lunchtime on Friday 27th. More information and booking instructions to follow, but block it out in your diary now!
  • July 8th – 10th is the 2020 Playful Learning Conference, held again at the University of Leicester. Call for sessions is now open: get your playful ideas in before the 7th February deadline! Registration is also now open at Early Bird rates.

What’s going on with you?

This round-up comes out during the first week of each month. If there is any playful activity/event/book/idea you’d like to promote to members in February, then email or Tweet Katie and we’ll include it!

1 thought on “#PlayLearn January round-up”

  1. Hi all,

    In 2020 we will be holding the first Warwick Education Fringe as part of our Education Festival. Running throughout May, the Fringe will bring spaces to discover, experiment, create and share new ideas about teaching and learning by exploring the power of play.

    Our formal Education Conference poses the question: what makes higher education meaningful? The fringe aims to respond by embodying playfulness, freedom, imagination, and creativity to make meaning and to inspire new ways of teaching and learning in higher education.

    We welcome proposals to run any playful learning related event anytime during May here at Warwick.

    To propose an event please contact us via our online form: http://bit.ly/Warwickfringe2020

    Or email us at educationfringe@warwick.ac.uk

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