An online PLA event focussed on the successes and failures of moving your activities online, will be held on Friday November 27th.
This will be a day-long online event where you can dip in and out of sessions as you wish. Rather than presentations, there will be facilitated sessions on topics where you can bring along your own examples for sharing and discuss and test ideas. There will also be games and challenges to get involved with.
No booking required – the session will take place on Blackboard Collaborate.
Programme – drop in and out of sessions as you wish
9:30 – 10:30 Trial and Tribulations – Alex Moseley and Daisy Abbott
An opportunity to share the successes and failures you’ve all had in moving your playful courses/teaching into an online delivery format. Daisy will start us off with a tale of highs and woes.
Please bring along your own examples of what has gone well and what has gone wrong for sharing (eg a screenshot, screen-sharing or just a good story) or just listen and discuss other’s examples.
10:45 – 12:15 Game 1: Catastrophic – Pen Holland
Pen will introduce the game, then we’ll break up in groups to play it. We’ll then finish with an open discussion where we can share our thoughts, and think about other opportunities for online games of this type.
12:15 – 12:45 LUNCH BREAK
12:45 – 2:00 Game 2 and A Challenge – Jane Secker, Chris Morrison
We’ll play an online version of the Copyright Card Game get us warmed up. Then we have a design challenge for you: we have another board game we’d like to run online, and want you to help us think of the most creative way to do it!
2:15 – 3:30 Friday afternoon puzzle challenge – Katie Piatt
See you all there – no booking required, just drop in!
Could we consider having a rolling day for the PLA meetings please, so not always on a Friday? Or split these sessions up and have them as asynchronous, or something so that people who teach on a Friday can still be involved.
This kind of connection is so needed at this time.
Please can I get the link to join this please
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